Latest Video

On the road to Foie Gras – E1: Discovering the farming

On the road to Foie Gras – E2:Heading to the kitchen with Matthias & Pierre!

On the road to Foie Gras – E3:The secrets of Foie Gras

On the road to Foie Gras – E4:Outing in the open air !

On the road to Foie Gras – E5:General tour!

On the road to Foie Gras – E6:Foie Gras:from the lobe to the plate!

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Exploring the foie gras sector

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About Euro Foie Gras

Euro Foie Gras is the European Federation of Foie Gras. Created in 2008 in Strasbourg, it brings together the federations of Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary and Spain which are all the producing countries of the European Union. Euro Foie Gras represents the whole production chain (breeders, hatcheries, producers, processors and slaughterhouses).

The objectives of the European Federation of Foie Gras:

  • To promote foie gras, a thousand-year-old cultural and gastronomic tradition, and the profession of foie gras producer
  • To develop common reflexions and proposals at European level on the various topics of interest to the sector
  • To make European policy makers aware of the foie gras sector and, in particular, of its production methods
  • To establish a continuous exchange of experiences and know-how among member countries for a constant improvement of practices

Steps of production

Extensive farming

90% of life spent outside

Fattening by trained professionals

10% inside

Key figures

13 571 tonnes produced in the EU

13,571 tonnes of foie gras were produced within the EU in 2023 (12,761 tonnes of duck foie gras and 810 tonnes of goose foie gras).

50 000 direct jobs

The sector generates more than 50 000 direct jobs in the EU.

80% of foie gras produced in the EU

The EU produces approximately 80% of the world’s foie gras. The other main producing countries are China, the United States and Canada.

75 million euros of exports

According to Eurostat in 2023, EU exports of foie gras to third countries amounted to 75 million euros.