Differents products

Everything is good in the fat goose and fat duck! If foie gras remains the most noble and renowned product, other products delight our taste buds: duck breast also called “magret”, confit, rillettes etc.

The presentations of foie gras:

Raw foie gras:

Foie gras mainly cooked by processors and restaurateurs to make terrines to serve it fried for example. It is also bought by connoisseur consumers who want to prepare their own foie gras.

Processed foie gras

Ready-to-serve foie gras generally purchased by consumers. It is defined at European level as coming from an animal specially fattened to obtain a liver with a minimum weight of 300gr for duck and 400gr for goose. Learn more about this topic.

The appellations of foie gras:

Whole foie gras

Composed of a whole foie gras or one or more whole lobes of foie gras and accompanied by a seasoning.

Foie gras

Preparation consisting of pieces of agglomerated foie gras lobes and seasoning.

The block of foie gras

Preparation composed of foie gras mixed and reconstituted with the addition of a seasoning. The block of foie gras can include pieces of whole foie gras, it is then called block of foie gras with pieces.

Duck breast or “magret”

“Magret” is defined by the European Regulation No 543/2008 on marketing standards for poultry meat as coming from an animal that has produced foie gras. Corresponding to the breast of the fat goose or duck, it can be served as a main dish or smoked and dried to magnify mixed salads.


Confit is the leg of a duck or a goose. It is obtained thanks to the particular cooking of the meat in its fat.