The French gastronomic world signs a manifesto in defence of foie gras

Several ecologist mayors of major French cities (Lyon, Strasbourg, Grenoble, Besançon…) have decided to withdraw foie gras from their official events, buffets and receptions. Some of these decisions had already been taken previously, but were recently brought to light by the animalist association PETA.
In order to denounce this boycott and show the support of the gastronomic world, our French member CIFOG (Comité interprofessionnel des palmipèdes à foie gras) has published a manifesto “in support of the French foie gras sector”, signed by, among others, Euro-Toques, l’Académie culinaire de France, l’Association des Toques françaises, les Meilleurs ouvriers de France, le Groupement National des Indépendants, and l’Association française des maîtres restaurateurs. Through this manifesto, the 16 signatory associations undertake to:
“-put foie gras, an inexhaustible source of culinary inspiration, in the spotlight during the festive season and throughout the year;
– write to the concerned mayors to suggest that they reconsider their decision;
– observe the quality of foie gras production methods in France by allowing one or more of their members to visit a farm, an assisted feeding or processing workshop;
– and support the French foie gras sector.”
In addition, many French policy makers have also criticised these decisions. In the Périgord region, for example, 56 elected officials signed a manifesto, stressing that “the political opportunism of a few should not endanger an entire sector of excellence, especially at such a decisive period”.
Foie gras is an exceptional dish, a symbol of French gastronomy. France is the world’s leading producer and consumer of foie gras. In total, the sector represents more than 100,000 direct and indirect jobs, contributing to life in rural areas.
Moreover, it is a highly popular dish. According to the latest CSA study (November 2021), 91% of French people say they eat foie gras. Three out of four French people have already decided to eat foie gras during the end-of-year celebrations.
Euro Foie Gras welcomes initiatives in favour of foie gras and thanks all those who contribute to the defence of this ancestral know-how.