Stop misinformation on foie gras production

Since its creation in 2008, Euro Foie Gras has been proud to promote the profession of foie gras producer, foie gras being a star dish of the gastronomic heritage of our continent. The continuous exchange of experiences and know-how within the federation is and will remain of paramount importance for the sector, as well as the awareness raising of policy makers to the issues the sector deals with.
Euro Foie Gras has always encouraged constructive dialogue on production conditions, biosafety standards, quality criteria and any other subject of interest to the federation. Euro Foie Gras has also always been open to critics which are an integral part of the democratic debate.
Nevertheless, we must not confuse on the one hand, criticism and rational questioning with regard to an agricultural sector or any other economic activity, and, on the other hand, actions of misinformation based on false statements and truncated images. The digital age unfortunately generates a favorable environment for sensational publications from associations that cultivate a conflictual relationship with reality on the ground and often exploit the public’s lack of knowledge about the production of foie gras.