On the road to foie gras: Discovering European foie gras

Euro Foie Gras is very pleased to announce the launch of its European promotion campaign «On the road to foie gras». This two-year campaign aims to inform Europeans about the foie gras production process and the different ways to enjoy this European gastronomic product.
Influencers from different European foie gras producing countries will meet farmers in their exploitations. The talented Chefs Matthias Marc and Pierre Chomet, both Top Chef 2021 participants, will travel around France to help us discover this quality dish, so dear to French people. In Spain, Michelin Chef Leandro Gil and TV presenter Ketty Fresneda will take us on a journey to discover the secrets of foie gras in the heart of the producing regions: Castilla y León, Navarre, the Basque Country, Catalonia and Aragon. In Hungary, the famous Chef Wossala Rozina will travel the country to meet duck and goose foie gras producers. And finally, you will have the opportunity to follow Julien Lapraille, former Top Chef 2014 contestant, and Tom Vermeiren, Chef at the Wilford Restaurant, in several farms in Wallonia.
Find out more about their adventures on this website: https://ontheroadtofoiegras.com/! You will also have access to a lot of information about this high-quality food, our producers, our commitment to animal welfare and many recipes that will delight your palate.
This campaign is financed with the support of the European Union via its promotion programme.