A Board meeting rich in exchanges on different themes: European promotion programme, marketing standards, animal welfare…

The Board meeting of Euro Foie Gras (EFG) took place on March 4. It was an opportunity to address the various topics of current interest for the fat palmipeds sector at the European level and in the member states.
On the sanitary front, the situation has stabilised in France and the CIFOG (French Foie Gras Interbranch Organisation) is mobilised to analyse the reasons for the virulent episode of avian influenza that has hit the sector in recent weeks. On the economic front, the lack of certainty regarding the reopening of the Horeca sector (restaurants, bars, hotels, etc.) makes the outlook for 2021 difficult to establish.
On a more positive note, the Federation is looking forward to starting its European promotion programme, which was approved at the end of last year by the European Commission. This programme will make it possible to promote foie gras, an iconic and local product, in several producing countries: France, Belgium, Spain and Hungary.
In addition, EFG reiterated the importance of asserting its position regarding EU marketing standards for agricultural products: maintaining the definition of raw foie gras and adding a definition of processed foie gras. The Federation had participated in the European Commission’s first consultation on this subject on February 15 and will participate in the second one, which should take place in the second quarter.
Finally, EFG members reiterated their willingness to continue the joint work begun a few months ago to develop European animal welfare indicators, work that complements initiatives at national level. It is important that this topic moves away from the purely emotional to a scientifically sound basis for objectively assessing animal breeding conditions. The Federation will continue to contribute to the ongoing debate at the European level by drawing on the latest scientific data and by inviting anyone interested to visit a foie gras farm.