Euro Foie Gras
Euro Foie Gras is the European Federation of Foie Gras. Created in 2008 in Strasbourg, it brings together the federations of Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary and Spain which are all the producing countries of the European Union. Euro Foie Gras represents the whole production chain (breeders, hatcheries, producers, processors and slaughterhouses).
The objectives of the European Federation of Foie Gras:
- To promote foie gras, a thousand-year-old cultural and gastronomic tradition, and the profession of foie gras producer
- To develop common reflexions and proposals at European level on the various topics of interest to the sector
- To make European policy makers aware of the foie gras sector and, in particular, of its production methods
- To establish a continuous exchange of experiences and know-how among member countries for a constant improvement of practices
President of Euro Foie Gras: Emmanuel CHARDAT
Vice President: Attila CSORBAI
Office: Enrique de PRADO, Valérie VAN WYNSBERGHE, Mariela PAVLOVA
Secretary General of Euro Foie Gras: Marie-Pierre PE
Advisor : Aliénor
Contact addresses:,

Member of Euro Foie Gras: Collège des Producteurs
The College of Producers is the link between the producers (all agricultural productions), public authorities and other relevant actors. Within the College, producers can interact with public agencies, consumers, the agri-food and retail sector.
All the actors in the foie gras sector are represented.
To find out more:
Contact : Catherine Colot, Project Manager –
Some key figures :
- 12 tons of foie gras produced in 2023, only duck.
- 2nd consumer of foie gras per capita in the world with 105 grams per year.
- 2nd largest importer of raw foie gras in the world.
Belgian production of foie gras:
The production of foie gras in Wallonia is strictly regulated and controlled by the Animal Welfare Service of the Operational General Directorate of Agriculture, Natural Resources and the Environment of the Public Service of Wallonia. This service certifies optimal welfare conditions in all the production sites and at each stage of the breeding according to a detailed evaluation grid (size of collective cages, standards concerning the training of personnel, equipment, lighting, food and water etc.) and on the basis of the Royal Decree of April 25, 1994, amended by the Royal Decree of December 8, 2010.

Member of Euro Foie Gras: the Bulgarian Association of Palmipeds (ABP)
The Bulgarian Association of Palmipeds is a professional organisation bringing together breeders, producers, processors and traders.
The ABP is responsible for relations with national and international public institutions, participates in the development of good production practices, studies the possibilities of access to new markets and seeks cooperation with other organisations.
To know more :
Contact: Teodor Tenev, ABP President –
Some key figures :
- 2nd European producer of duck foie gras with 1500 tonnes in 2023.
- Bulgaria only raises ducks.

Member of Euro Foie Gras: Asociación Interprofesional de las Palmípedas Grasas (Interpalm)
The Interprofessional Association of Fat Palmipeds is an agro-food interbranch association. Its missions include representing and managing the interests of its members, improving the quality of products and production methods as well as promoting products derived from fat palmipeds.
All the actors in the foie gras sector are represented.
For more information:
Contacts :
Enrique de Prado, Président of Interpalm –
Ricardo Migueláñez, Manager –
Some key figures :
- 524 tons of foie gras produced in 2023, only duck.
- 3rd largest consumer of foie gras in the world with 80 grams per year and per capita.
Spanish production of foie gras:
The production of foie gras in Spain is governed by a series of regulations, decrees and recommendations.

Member of Euro Foie Gras: The Comité National Interprofessionnel des Palmipèdes à foie gras (CIFOG)
The main task of the French Foie Gras Interbranch Organisation is to promote goose and duck products and to implement actions in the general interest of the profession.
All the actors of the foie gras sector are represented.
For more information: and
Contact : Marie-Pierre Pé, Director –
Some key figures :
- 1st world producer of foie gras with 9 555 tons produced in 2023.
- 1st consumer country for foie gras in the world with 280 grams per capita and per year.
French production of foie gras:
Wishing to go beyond regulatory requirements, CIFOG launched the“Palmi G confiance” initiative. This initiative aims at guaranteeing the good practices of the breeders with regard to animal welfare and respect for biosecurity. Breeders commit, on a voluntary basis, to have an independent body to monitor the correct application of the European Charter for the production of fat palmipeds. The approach is based in particular on precise and detailed specifications of concrete actions to be taken to respect the commitments and continue to progress.
Discover French production in video here.

Member of Euro Foie Gras: Baromfi Termék Tanács
The Hungarian Poultry Council ensures representation of the sector before the public authorities. It also collects production and market data and prepares proposals based on the obtained results.
All the actors in the foie gras sector are represented.
For more information:
Contact : Gyorgy Endrodi, Director of the Hungarian Agriculture Office in Brussels –
Attila Csorbai, President of the Hungarian Interbranch organisation –
Some key figures :
- 1st world producer of goose foie gras with 750 tons produced in 2023.
- 3rd world producer of duck foie gras with 1230 tons produced in 2023.
Hungarian production of foie gras:
In 2011, the Hungarian Poultry Council adopted a Code of Good Practice for the fat palmipeds sector (in Hungarian). This Code, which is more ambitious than the legislation in force in the country, lays down rules governing in particular the different stages of feeding and housing of animals. Adhesion to the code is voluntary, but anyone who agrees to comply with the code must abide by it.