Marketing standards: EFG calls the EU Commission to maintain the definition of raw foie gras

Euro Foie Gras has contributed to the European Commission’s public consultation on marketing standards for agricultural products.
In this contribution Euro Foie Gras states that it fully shares the European Commission’s view that “Marketing standards help facilitate the functioning of the internal market, keep food of unsatisfactory quality off the market, provide relevant information to consumers, and ensure a level playing field for competing products.” Euro Foie Gras also insists on the key role played by marketing standards in preserving and promoting the European agricultural know-how, the culinary heritage as well as the diversity of the agricultural types of farming.
The Federation supports the European Commission’s willingness to provide better food information to consumers and to support sustainable food systems. Moreover, citizens’ freedom to choose the food they want to eat should be preserved and each consumer should be able to make informed choices without being victims of misleading and fraudulent practices.
That is why, Euro Foie Gras calls for:
• Maintaining the definition of raw foie gras in its current wording;
• Completing this text with the insertion of the definition of processed foie gras.