Christmas recipe idea: Gourmet plate with three variations of the fattened duck

Diced duck breast on cereal crackers

Preparation time: 5 min

Cooking time: 16 min

For 4 people :

– 1 duck magret

– Cereal crackers

– Salt flower

– Espelette pepper

– Fresh thyme

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Take the duck magret out of the fridge.

Cut them in crosswise slits on the skin side.

Place the duck breast in a frying pan, skin side down, and brown it for 10 minutes on a low heat, discarding the fat several times.

When the skin is crispy, place it on a baking tray and leave to cook for 6 to 8 minutes in the oven.

Cut the duck breast into large cubes and place them on the crackers cut to the same size.

Salt, then add moderately the Espelette pepper and a few sprigs of fresh thyme.

Small pan-fried Foie Gras escalopes on candied apples

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 13 min

For 4 people :

– 4 small escalopes of raw Foie Gras

– 1 apple

– 15g of butter

– 1 tablespoon of oil

– Salt flower

– Ground pepper

– Fresh thyme

Cut the apple into quarters.

Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan over a low heat and then gently brown the apple quarters for 5 minutes per side. Deglaze with the cider vinegar, salt and pepper.

In the meantime, brown the Foie Gras escalopes in a second frying pan for 1 min 30 per side over medium heat without adding any fat. Season with salt and pepper and serve the escalopes immediately on the apple quarters.

Shredded duck in a pasta nest

Preparation time: 10 min

Cooking time: 10 min

For 4 people :

– 1 leg of duck confit

– 50 g of Alsatian nests

– Salt

– Ground pepper

– Spinach shoots

Preheat the oven to 180°C.

Put the duck confit in the oven and leave to cook for 8 minutes.

Remove the skin then finely shred the flesh around the bones.

Lower the thermostat to 140°C then set the shredded meat aside in the oven.

In the meantime, cook the pasta for 5 minutes in a small pot of boiling salted water, keeping the shape of the nests.

Drain them then serve them on plates by adding a spoonful of shredded duck to the nests.

Pepper and decorate the plate with a few spinach shoots.

This recipe comes from the CIFOG, consult their website to find other ideas for dishes based on foie gras, magret and confit.