The obligation of minimum weights for foie gras is essential to ensure its quality and to protect consumers

The European Commission published the results of the external evaluation on food marketing standards in May 2020. This factual evaluation of current standards covered a wide range of products governed by the Common Market Organisation, including foie gras.
The document states that cases of fraudulent practices have significantly decreased since the introduction of the definition of raw foie gras with the obligation to place on the market duck livers of at least 300gr and goose livers of at least 400gr. This definition is moreover seen positively by several Member States.
Furthermore, the study indicates that abolishing the minimum liver weights «would not guarantee the presence of hepatic fatty cellular hypertrophy, which is considered to be essential to the taste and quality of the product». The study also mentions Euro Foie Gras’ request to complete the current definition with a definition of processed foie gras, which represents 80% of foie gras products purchased by end consumers.
Attaching great importance to protecting consumers and ensuring that they make informed choices, Euro Foie Gras will continue to call for maintaining the definition of raw foie gras and adding the definition of processed foie gras. According to the action plan included in the «Farm to Fork» Strategy, the European Commission is expected to publish its proposal on the revision of food marketing standards in 2021 or 2022.
You can access the study here.